Death-Dance: Hate Pours for Dead Iranian President on Streets and Virtual World / Greater Jammu/ Rashmi Talwar

Death-Dance: Hate Pours for Dead Iranian President on Streets and Virtual World

‘Helicopter’ brings Jews, Muslims, Christians together in celebration following Iranian President Raisi’s Death

Rashmi Talwar

AMRITSAR 22nd May 2024—–In Toronto, Canada Salman Sima led a celebration on the death of the President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, labelled -the Butcher of Tehran. With a chant of “Hel-eee-cop-ter” & “Heli-kotlet!” while the crowd holding Iranian, Israeli and Canadian flags danced and sang in a chorus.

Even before the formal announcement of President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi’s death at 10.16 am, Celebrations broke out on streets and social networking platforms.

Salman Sima– A former political Iranian prisoner who fled Iran and is now an activist in Canada – posted videos of “Unlikely Humanity” coming together in a celebration in the heart of Toronto, Canada.

He wrote on the social network ‘X’ wall –“We danced and celebrated the better world without Ebrahim Raisi, -‘Butcher of Iran’. Nothing is more heart-warming than Iranians, Israelis, & Canadians dancing together for peace. Thank you, Jewish brothers and sisters, for joining Iranians in our happiness over the death of this tyrant. Ya Habibi Tel Aviv. #RaisiRestInHell #RaisiHelicopter Salman Sima, with 40k following raised slogan –“Hel-eee-cop-ter”! (Raisi died in a Helicopter crash!) Wearing a T-shirt with Iran-69 emblazoned on it, a large man distributed sweets simultaneously, spinning a scarf over his head symbolizing the Helicopter! Shouting –“Hee-lii- Copterr”! –“Hee-lii- -Copterr”!

Mike Pense former Vice President United States of America —-

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is dead and the world is a safer place Raisi was responsible for the murder of thousands of Iranian political prisoners he ordered executed in 1988, 1,500 Iranians slaughtered in the 2019 protests and the years of terrorist violence sown by Iran across the region that claimed American lives. My hope and prayer is that Raisi’s death will give the people of Iran a chance to claim their birthright of freedom and end Iran’s long reign of terror.

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Daniel Bordman, senior correspondent with National Telegraph: At an event in Toronto celebrating the death of Iranian President Raisi, @SalmanSima calls Khamenei the “Supreme Loser” and leads the crowd in calling for him to “Go to Hell” 

Two beautiful daughters of Minoo Majidi who was killed by the Iranian regime during the -“Woman, Life and Freedom” uprising raised bottles and glasses of liquor in celebration of the Death and posted their videos.



Popular Iranian Journalist – Fluffs up her curly hair and stuck a Champa flower in it in defiance of Iranian hijab

When, Masi Alenijad, a Popular Iranian Journalist and activist, Fluffed up her curly hair and stuck a Champa flower in her curly locks, it was not about a pretty woman showing some DIY hairdo, (Do it yourself) on an Instagram reel. It was a stark defiance by the Women of Iran who celebrated the death of Ebrahim Raisi the President of Iran in a helicopter crash on Monday. She wrote –“Ebrahim Raisi, President and Butcher of Iran, is dead!

“When many young Iranians, are sharing videos of dancing in joy over his death, why should hide my feelings? Raisi’s regime sent killers to New York to assassinate me, but I am alive and writing about his death. As women from Iran and Afghanistan, we endure imprisonment, lashings, rape, blindings, execution and constant terror for seeking freedom, equality, and dignity. Yes! Under the Taliban and Iran, being a woman is a crime. There are 74 lashes reserved for walking (in Iran) unveiled from the age of 7 years under Sharia”.

Elsewhere, the Parents of those killed by Raisi were dancing in joy. Iranian Women, opened wine bottles, calling the death a celebration! We Iranians will fight until we get rid of @khamenei_ir and his religious dictatorship. And added – The only crash in the world where everyone was worried if someone survived: Masih Alinejad.

“In my interview with ABC TV, I echoed the voice of the people in Iran who celebrated after ‘Butcher’ Raisi died. ‘It is the only crash in history where everyone is worried if someone survived’. My reaction to the condolences sent by the leaders of democratic countries to the Islamic Republic’s leaders is a slap in the face of the victims!”

Charlotte Rocher, a French journalist posted –“This world is crazy- UN holds a minute’s silence, The EU presents its condolences for the death of Iranian President – “The Butcher of Iran” who repressed women through Sharia Law, rape and hangings . Here is the only tribute” that the tyrant deserves and posted a group of women in Burka throwing away their hijab and showing their ‘middle finger’ over their heads. She posted hundreds of pictures of those Iranians killed following orders by the Iranian Head of state -Raisi.

Kevin, a journalist from the Netherlands posted– Our grief is great, the helicopter is ‘unusable’!

Omid Djalili Iranian British actor comic was the first to carry a picture captioned: Creativity coming out Iran right now — with a picture of a Helicopter with multiple hair braids pulling it down to the ground where a young girl with a braid walked freely. 

And wrote-   Local sources in Azerbaijan where the helicopter has crashed say there are wild animals in the area including brown bears, Persian leopards, wolves, forest cats, wild boars & jackals.      I do not wish death on anyone but those, who have brought so much misery to a nation; it would be a weird karma if President Raisi – known as “the butcher of Tehran” – came to an end butchered by animals.

Charlie Hebdo- a French paper that claims to be a satirical, secular, political, and joyful newspaper: In a series of caricatures titled “Dieu Existe” – There is a God that exists.



Indian Journalists

Abhijit Iyer Mitra prominent journalist with a following of 233k on Twitter  Wrote –

“When I first landed in Tehran in 1985 my first visual of the city was of 3-people hanging from a crane in a roundabout. It wasn’t the humane neck-break hanging, but the slow strangulation crane-lift hanging. The man responsible?- Ebrahim Raisi. Today his body was found charred beyond recognition”.

Gajanan a Hindi Blogger writes – “Iran backs terrorist organizations- Hamas, Hezbollah Houthis, and the same Iranian government has been publicly and secretly hanging Iranian youth every day for participating in anti-Hijab protests. Police arrest the youth on suspicion. Detainees don’t have access to lawyers for months. They are subjected to torture and coerced into confessions against themselves. Courts are not permitted for the public and no jury. The state-installed judge has full power over the detainee’s fate and always aligns with the security apparatus narrative. Iran is using the death penalty to scare society to prevent people from the uprising. Yet the whole world is silent!”

Basant Khedia – 19th May will be remembered as International Helicopter Day … I stand with helicopters!



Iran and Amritsar:

Jasmeet Nayyar Former Director of Colleges Punjab, Amritsar  was in  Iran for four years 

On January 5th of year 1979 the day my flight entered Iran, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi- The Shah of Iran’s flight left Iran. They sealed the airport subsequently.

I was deputed in Iran for four years as an academician and educator, while my husband Dr Shashi Nayyar was also deputed in Iran’s Health services. Following this political upheaval, the Tehran University, where I was on deputation was closed for months.

We witnessed the horrors of Islamic atrocities- the ruining and looting of the Presidential Palace and the burning of liquor shops. I was in scarves covering my hairline and no midriff showing, covered kind of attire. The TV channels too went blank and dead. Normalcy came in subdued colours. Musiki or music, and Raqs or dances, in Persian, were gone for a long time. We left after four years and still remember the imposed doctrines of Islam on the general public. My fellow academicians used to tease me ‘You helped Shah to flee!’

Since alcohol was gone, the entire grape crops secretly went underground to make the wines.

Opium was legalized by Iran’s Islamic authorities. They used to smoke opium by rolling it on a coal fire and inhaling it through a pipe. That was my first time to ever see poppy fields, I was so fascinated by the flowers that I got myself clicked in the poppy fields of Tehran. We left Iran in 1983. We also followed the US embassy staffers taken hostage by Iranians to get back the ‘Shah of Iran’. This led to the severance of relations between the USA and Iran after the hostages were released after 444 days.


Geeta Rohtangi connected to Amritsar through her maternal grandparents

“I was in Teheran from 1976 to 1978. Those were the days when Iran was ruled by the Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. Life as we saw it was wonderful. People were so very friendly, helpful and welcoming. They, particularly the women, were quite modern, westernized and educated. As for the women then, most of them wore skirts/ dresses and no hijab. They looked beautiful in Western hairstyles and wore make-up. Women were seen driving to work and moving about freely without any fear. There were however some older orthodox women who wore Hijab and Chadors(full-length covers) but they didn’t cover their faces.

Iran and Iranians were beautiful during the Shah’s reign.

The Shah was a dictator but the common man did not seem affected by it. However, there was an underlying fear of his ‘Savak’ or secret police so people never spoke against the Shah.

Things seemed pretty normal until the middle of 1978, and then curfews started from 8 am to 8 pm. Police and tanks were manning the intersections.  We were not politically savvy and news on TV was much edited. Revolution had begun and a lot of offices were destroyed. Getting tax clearance for Shekhar my husband was tough since their office too was set aflame. He got me the clearance since I didn’t work, and insisted I leave and sent me off to India in December 1978.

I sent him a telegram saying his Father was very sick. He used it to force the Iranian regime to give him a clearance and it worked and he was able to get out of Iran too. All hell broke loose soon after that in Jan of 1979 when the Shah escaped to Egypt.

As a young couple, we started life in Iran wonderfully but the end was pretty horrifying.


Some shocking and mysterious aircraft / Helicopter crashes killed Top personalities

·         President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a Helicopter crash on 19th May 2024

·         Gen Bipin Rawat CDS India, died in a Helicopter crash 8th December 2021

·         Gen Shen Yi Ming Chief of the staff of Taiwan, died in a Helicopter crash on 2nd, Jan 2020

·         IPS officer and Governor of a troubled Punjab state in India SN Malhotra was killed along with his entire family of 9- members on July 9th, 1994. They flew in a 14-seater Beechcraft plane that crashed in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

·         Gen Zia ul haq President of Pakistan,  died in a crash on 17th Aug 1988


One response to this post.

  1. Posted by Justine on June 14, 2024 at 10:35 PM

    RE: “Charlotte Rocher, a French journalist posted –“This world is crazy”

    Right, everyone “knows” the world is crazy (which always “conveniently” means the world/OTHER people, usually the governing authorities, are crazy but not they themselves, they themselves are sane, of course). Yet, curiously, no one typically offers an good explanation on why the world is crazy.

    Have anyone ever wondered WHY the world is crazy?

    How do you explain it intelligently?

    Do you have a coherent explanation for the craziness of the world that makes sense (religious fantasies are obviously excluded because they only “make sense” and are “valid” to fantasy lovers but never to reality-based truth-seekers. Since everyone knows the world is crazy and the world has gotten CRAZIER over millennia despite religions and a global majority of religious individuals it means religions/religious folks have always been major causal parts in the craziness production)?

    Wouldn’t the recognition of the underlying causes of this craziness be instructive in terms of HOW we should tackle it to manifest real change out of the craziness?

    The WHOLE big picture (not just a part of the big picture) that makes up the human condition, that explains the craziness of the world (if you ever genuinely wondered WHY it is that the world is crazy), that describes human conduct over millennia is the hegemony of the 2 married human pink elephants in the room (and has never been on clearer display than with the deliberate global Covid Scam atrocity) — see “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” … (or

    Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the human rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant and play victim like a little child?

    The official narrative is… “trust official science” and “trust the authorities” but as with these and all other “official narratives” they want you to trust and believe …

    “We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public [and global public] believes is false.” —William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

    “Separate what you know from what you THINK you know.” — Unknown

    “Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it.” — from a poster

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at



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