Archive for May 12th, 2024

Kashmiri Muslim UNHRC speaker takes on UK MP Hopkins over the release of Yasin Malik/ Greater Jammu / Rashmi Talwar

Kashmiri Muslim UNHRC speaker takes on UK MP Hopkins over release of Yasin Malik

Rashmi Talwar

Toronto (Canada) 25th April 2024 Indian Kashmiri Muslim and UNHRC speaker  Javed Beigh took on Rachel Hopkins, a British Member Parliament (MP) from ‘Luton South’, on holding a meeting of the British wing of the designated terrorist org -JKLF in the “side room” of British Parliament and falsely portraying it as a meeting held in the British Parliament. Beigh claims that Hopkins attended a meeting of the British Chapter of the JKLF (Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front) to discuss the sentence awarded to JKLF’s founder Yasin Malik, on her “X” Platform, only for vote-bank politics to appease Mirpuri Muslims claiming to be Kashmiris.

In a phone call, Beigh, while speaking to the author from his hometown Beerwah, Kashmir, lashed out –“Why shouldn’t I counter Rachel Hopkin’s lies and her India bating tactics using falsehood?”

In an open rebuttal on her ‘X’ Post, Beigh wrote to Hopkins -“I am an ethnic Kashur (Kashmiri language) speaking Indian Kashmiri Muslim from India’s Kashmir valley, which is part of the Union Territory of Jammu &Kashmir. I am aghast at your attendance at a meeting organised by a terrorist organization JKLF, a banned organization under Indian laws for carrying out terror activities in Kashmir.

Having addressed the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) twice and thus familiar with games played at the diplomatic tables, Beigh pointed out-“This (your) meeting was attended by a handful of anti-Indian British Parliamentarians in a “side-room” of the British Parliament which was being passed-off as if,  the entire British Parliament attended this “Anti-India Meet!”

He minced no words in accusing the British MP and wrote- “Ms Hopkins, you are guilty of peddling total and utter lies. ‘Yasin Malik has not been sentenced to death by the Indian judiciary! Instead, he has been accorded ‘Life Imprisonment’ by the Lower Indian Court for his involvement in anti–India terror activities undertaken by him in the early 1990s.”

He further accused the MP-“Ms Hopkins, your interest in attending this so-called meet stems purely from the fact that your Parliamentary Constituency of ‘Luton South’ has a sizeable population of Mirpuri Muslims, who fraudulently call themselves -“Kashmiris” even though they share nothing in common with us – the ethnic Kashur-speaking Indians. Kashur-speaking Kashmiris, make up 99 % of  the population and  reside entirely within geographical boundaries of India.”

Beigh further explained “Your so-called “Kashmiris”-“Mirpuri Muslims” of ‘Luton South’ constituency of Britain, are ethically part of Punjabis or the state of Punjab. They don’t speak Kashmiri, they don’t dress like us ethnic Indian Kashmiris and neither do they eat the food or have culinary tastes of Kashmiris. They live in the Pakistan-Occupied Jammu & Kashmir side (POJK).   Thus Mirpuri Muslims of POJK do not represent us –the ethnic Indian Kashur-speaking Kashmiris and they are neither culturally nor linguistically Kashmiris.”

And as a ‘blue tick-marked’ account with unlimited words, Beigh continued – “Yasin Malik stands accused of initiating a violent bloody, Islamist, Separatist movement at the behest of Pakistan in the early 1990s which supplied guns to misguided ethnic Kashmiri Muslim youth that thus started Indian Kashmir valley’s cycle of death& destruction in the three-decade-long tryst with Pak sponsored terrorism. This cycle destroyed Indian ethnic Kashur-speaking Kashmiri society.

Yasin Malik’s terrorist organization JKLF stands accused of initiating a violent tirade against Kashmir’s small Hindu Minority – The Kashmiri Pandits- who were forcible thrown out from Kashmir valley by Islamists leaving their palatial homes and hearths and have never returned to reside in the valley during decades of turmoil.”

“The Yasin Malik terror cell JKLF also stands accused of killing thousands of Indian Kashmiri Muslims including Doctors, Engineers, Professors, Writers, and Intellectuals etc, seen to be propagating secular and liberal values, considered a “threat” to Pakistan Establishment’s (read: Pak Army) Islamist Agenda. That Pakistan Establishment or the Pak army, that spreads hardcore, intolerant, and puritan Islamist ideology and a free run to Pakistan-backed Anti-India Separatist Movement in Kashmir, initiated, fed, and backed by them!”

And continued –“ Yasin Malik has been rightly incarcerated for his and his terror organization JKLF’s seditious involvement against India, as well as the Kashmiri Hindu minority, the Pro-India liberals and Progressive Kashmiri Muslims for which a fair trial is currently underway in lower Indian courts.

The so-called “meet” attended by you and a handful of British Parliamentarians at the behest of British Mirpuri Muslims, fraudulently calling themselves –the “Kashmiris” is seen as an unnecessary interference in our affairs.

If you are sincerely interested in knowing about the Kashmiri people, talk to us – the ethnic Kashur-speaking Indian Kashmiri-Muslims and not fakes of Mirpuri Muslims of your constituency. Hope you will not use our (Kashmiri’s) plight and misery to appease the people of your constituency of Mirpuri Muslims just for petty votes and politics. In the past decades, we have suffered enough. Please leave us alone and desist from using our misfortune to further your political career.”

Signed:- Javed Ahmed Beigh, Indian ethnic Kashur-speaking Kashmiri-Muslim from Jammu and Kashmir.

Interestingly, while the British Parliamentarian Hopkins has 11.4K followers, Beigh boasts of 12.2K followers on his ‘X’ formerly, Twitter handle.



What British MP Rachel Hopkins wrote on ‘X’?

The British MP Rachel Hopkins with her constituency from ‘Luton South’ posted- “This afternoon the JklfUk and my constituent ZafarKhanJklf held an important meeting to update us on YasinMalik’s ongoing trial and appeal against the ‘death sentence’.

I continue to stand up for #Kashmiris & their right to self-determination.



A slew of Responses to British MP Rachel Hopkins Post on ‘X’

The ‘X’ platforms burst into counters and counter-questions & replies following British MP Rachel Hopkin’s post endorsing Yasin Malik

·        Adit Kothari, Foreign Affairs Expert countered –“Bravo @rach_hopkins! She is not only a terror apologist but also a terror enabler by endorsing the #JKLF & extremists like Yasin Malik who have executed terror activities in India & here on British soil too.   Individuals like her in politics epitomize the systemic issues we observe with British polity.

Instead of addressing the pressing needs of her constituency, which faces enormous challenges in healthcare, education, housing, & escalating religious extremism, she prioritizes promoting the politics of the Indian subcontinent on the streets of London, which will yield absolutely nothing except bolstering her political grandstanding. Now that she has done so, let’s present the facts for her academic interest & that of the extremists she associates with. Those Islamists, Pakistanis, Kashmiris, Mirpuris (who are NOT Kashmiri btw [by the way]) &, etc who advocate for a plebiscite in the state of Jammu & Kashmir should cease making a mockery of themselves & familiarise themselves with UN Resolution 47, which outlines sequential and conditional steps that consecutive Pakistani governments have failed to fulfill. Adit attached a video to his post, of a panel where a lady explains the three sequential steps to the holding of a plebiscite in Jammu Kashmir by the UN, to a questioning Pakistani man.  

·        An ‘X’ account of one Hitman reminded British Parliamentarian Hopkins about how JKLF murdered an Indian diplomat in Birmingham and noticed that Khalid Mahmood- a British MP from Birmingham was also present in the so-called meeting. The meeting held in mid-April was addressed by Hopkins, as the sole woman participant in a small group of men held in a sort of ante-room of British Parliament.

·         Winx1010 retorted: Is this your stance? @UKLabour @Keir_Starmer ?? Why are your MPs so concerned about extremists and criminals in other countries rather than being concerned about issues in the UK, when the taxpayers in the UK pay their salaries?



Yasin Malik, JKLF, and its nefarious activities

·        JKLF murdered an Indian diplomat in 1984 Indian diplomat Ravinder Hareshwar Mhatre was murdered in 1984 by JKLF (Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front) headed by Yasin Malik.  UK MP Bob Blackman remembered and paid homage to Indian diplomat many years after he was slain stated a report by ANI. Blackman through his Twitter handle posted in Feb 2021-“Today we remember the young Indian diplomat who was kidnapped on 3rd Feb 1984 in Birmingham by JKLF. The Kidnappers demanded 1 Million Pounds as ransom and three days later he was killed”. Mhatre was an Assistant Commissioner of the Indian High Commission in Birmingham UK. His body was found in the side streets in Birmingham. He was offered freedom by kidnappers JKLF in barter to release Maqbool Bhat –another founder of JKLF. India refused to negotiate with terrorists and Mhatre was killed. Maqbool Bhat was promptly hanged to death, five days after Diplomat Mhatr’s body was found.

·        JKLF and Yasin Malik were accused in the 1989 kidnapping of Rubaiya Sayeed: Rubaiya the daughter of Union Home Minister Mufti Mohammed Sayeed, Government of India,  who later became the CM of Jammu &Kashmir, was kidnapped by JKLF in December 1989. Rubaiya identified Yasin Malik as late as July 2022 as one of her key kidnappers. JKLF admitted to the crime. Five terrorists were released in exchange for the release of the Home Minister’s daughter, which gave an impetus and emboldened the terrorist movements in Kashmir, which led to years of Death,  Disaster and Downfall of Kashmir 

·        JKLF’s Yasin Malik shot four & injured 22 during a shootout at IAF: Four Indian Air Force officers were killed in a shootout on January 25, 1990, in Rawalpore on the outskirts of Srinagar and 22 others were grievously injured. One of the officers was Ravin Khan. This was one of the biggest attacks on the IAF in those times by Kashmiri terrorists. JKLF took responsibility for the shootout.



Javed Beigh, is an Indian Kashmiri Muslim from Beerwah, a UN Orateur Ong, and an author who professes to embrace Kashmir’s vibrant mix of Hindu, Buddhist, and Sufi cultures and writes on International Relations and diplomacy. Beigh, represented India twice addressing the 54th & 55th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), laying bare the ground-level situation in Jammu &Kashmir.

To be continued …..