Archive for May 14th, 2024

Faceoff: Kashmiri Muslim challenges Pakistan PM Sharif for equating Kashmir with Palestine / Greater Jammu/ Rashmi Talwar

Part –II

Faceoff: Kashmiri Muslim challenges Pakistan PM Sharif for equating Kashmir with Palestine

Rashmi Talwar

Toronto (Canada) 26th April 2024—–

India’s chutzpah against powerful Western interference emboldened a Kashmiri Muslim against Pakistan’s attempt to label Kashmiris and Palestinians as clubbed victimhood.

India’s newfound boldness to stand up to aggressor nations inspired its citizens, to take a courageous stance for themselves, and their communities on the grand chessboard of world diplomacy and relations.  A Kashmiri Muslim thus daringly shouted foul on social networking site ‘X’ formerly Twitter to a Tweet by Pakistan’s sitting Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, accusing him of shedding  ‘crocodile tears’ for Kashmiris, while covertly being the root cause of all ills that Kashmiris faced.

Pakistan has continuously thrust a false propaganda worldover, against India, despite being a key player, a gainer, and a stakeholder in creating bloodbath, madness, and mayhem in India’s Kashmir valley. Pak’s powerful rulers and army have grown immensely by stoking the fires of terrorism in Kashmir in the name of supporting ‘Kashmiri brethren’ to win elections, funds, and favors from other countries, on the dead bodies of Kashmiris.

By openly and often equating Kashmiris’ plight with that of Palestine, Pak added multiple dimensions to make Kashmir a battleground. It continued its stated stand of Kashmiris equation with Palestinians; more so after the recent October 7th events that led to war between Israel and Palestine-Hamas (Hamas- the armed wing of Palestine). Refreshingly, this time, it was a Kashmiri Muslim who shouted down, the false propaganda by Pakistan coming from its Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

Firing a salvo on the ‘X’ Post on the virtual worldwide net from a remote area of Beerwah- on the Indian side of Kashmir,  Javed Beigh, a Kashmiri Muslim lambasted a Tweet by Pakistan PM Sharif–“KASHMIR VALLEY is NOT Palestine and Kashur speaking Kashmiris are NOT Palestinians!”

It sent a twin message to the neighboring country, a key player in creating turmoil in Kashmir for decades. Firstly, an Indian Kashmiri Muslim is speedily emerging as a bold voice to reckon with. Indian Kashmiri is no more quivering, scared, and gullible sacrificial goat waiting to be slaughtered at the altar to clinch political thrones for successive rulers of Pakistan. He could stand for himself without fear of Religion or Rant, groomed by Pakistan for nearly 30 years.

Secondly, India’s remote areas also enjoy internet facilities with power supply.

In a counter tweet, he wrote –“As an ethnic Kashur speaking Kashmiri Muslim from India’s Kashmir Valley, I, Javed Ahmad Beigh, an Indian Kashmiri Muslim take strong objection to your hyphenating ethnic Kashur Kashmiris with Palestinians.”

Drawing attention to the history of Kashmir, he wrote- “Kashmir Valley has always had historical, religious and cultural ties with Bharat (India), even thousands of years before the existence of your country called Pakistan!”

And further explained –“Kashmir Valley was the seat of Kashmiri Hindu Shaivism that was part of the wider Shaivite Hindu tradition prevalent all over the Indian subcontinent including what is today so-called Pakistan. It was also through Kashmir Valley that Buddhism was introduced to Ladakh and Tibet from where it traveled to China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan.

Even Sufi Islam of Kashmir Valley, known as RISHIISM or “Sufi order of Rishis” was heavily influenced by the philosophy and practices of Kashmiri Hindu Shaivism.

Drawing attention to his syncretic sacred land of amalgamation and goodwill between various faiths, Beigh wrote –“Kashmir is the sacred land of Kashmiri Hindu sages and Kashmiri Muslim Sufis called “Rishis”.

 Kashmir’s ties with the Indian cultural, social, and political mainstream were never colonial. Kashmir, was and is part of Indian socio-cultural identity from time immemorial, when even your so-called Pakistan was part of Bharat.”

And sought an explanation –“Also, may I ask why as an ethnic Punjabi Pakistani Muslim, are you only hyphenating Kashmir with Palestine and not clubbing/ connecting the following:

1. Pakistani Balochi Muslims of Balochistan with Palestinians;

2. Pakistani Shia Muslim minority with Palestinians;

3. Pakistani Pashtun Muslims; Pakistani Sindhi Muslims; Pakistani Urdu speaking; &Mohajir Muslims; with the Palestinians?”

Beigh reiterated –“We, Indian Kashmiri Muslims are integral part and parcel of the wider Indian society, which promotes unity in diversity, unlike Pakistan, where Punjabi Sunni Muslim is the ruling elite who has colonized other Muslim communities like the Baloch, the Pashtuns, the Sindhis, the Mohajirs who came from Indian side during Indo Pak Partition of 1947 and even people of Pakistan Occupied Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan Occupied Gilgit & Baltistan”.

And added –“We, Indian Kashmiri Muslims enjoy constitutional, legal and other benefits equally, and at par and without any discrimination, like any other Indian citizen of other Indian states and Union Territories.”

“Furthermore, unlike Pakistan, where ordinary people don’t have access to even the very basic amenities like food, water, medicines, we Indian Kashmiri Muslims are extremely fortunate to be part of a diverse and flourishing India”.

“Also unlike Uyghur Muslims of China, whose religious freedom the Chinese government severely oppresses and suppresses, we Indian Kashmiri Muslims enjoy full religious freedom.”

“The only time Kashmir faced trauma was when Punjabi Pakistani Muslims controlling Pakistani Army & ISI funded, armed and backed three-decade-long insurgency starting 1989 that tore apart the social fabric of Kashmir and destroyed its syncretic culture, completely.”

“Today, we Kashmiri Muslims are very well aware of the destructive role that you Punjabi Muslims played in supporting deadly terrorism in our much loved Kashmir Valley.”

“Lastly, I suggest you and other Pakistanis, especially Punjabi Muslims of Pakistan not to hyphenate Kashmir Valley with Palestine”.

Javed Ahmad Beigh, the writer, is an author from Kashmir who has represented India at the 54th and 55th Sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council, (UNHRC) in Geneva and put across the views of Kashmiri Muslims succinctly before the world body.  



Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif posted on his ‘X’ Wall

On the joyous occasion of Eid ul-Fitr, I would like to express my felicitations to my fellow countrymen at home and abroad, as well as to the entire Muslim community.

As we revel in the festivities of this auspicious event, let us not forget the importance of spreading joy and sharing our blessings with those less fortunate.

I also urge Muslims around the world to remember their Palestinian and Kashmiri brothers and sisters who are facing the worst kind of atrocities of the occupation forces and they will be constrained to enjoy the joys of Eid. We all pray to Almighty Allah to ease their difficulties.

May this blessed time bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to the people of our nation, the region, and the world.



·        Sanjay Pataskar a blue tick marked account wrote “You have won my heart Javed by your knowledgeable post. I pray that hundreds of thousands of Javeds in Kashmir will show Pakistan the mirror.”

·        Vishal writes –“Shehbaz is probably referring to POK.. [Pakistan occupied Kashmir]. Muslims in POK are indeed going through the worst kind of genocide by the Pak Army.

I stand in solidarity with the Muslims of POK.”

·        Kashir writes – “You will be surprised to know that there is no Kashmiri-speaking person in PoK. I have met many and all are Punjabis. Nothing ethnic”.

·        A Kashmiri Pandit Vimal Wakhlu wrote – “Hats off! You are a true Kashmiri!

Even the External Affairs Ministry spokesperson could not have given such a brilliant rebuttal to hypocrites who have destroyed the lives of ordinary Kashmiris, through their proxies in Kashmir. God bless you with more &more strength & a bright future!”

·        Muhammed Ashraf posted – “No words Javed Bhai, you had hit them really hard, and that too with facts. I wish the so-called big heads of Pakistan and their supporting heads of various nations & organizations get this into their heads”.

·        Guardsman – “Punjabi Pakistani should also compare Ahmadia with Palestinian”

·        Dr Manish Bhatnagar lauded the reply in a response –“What a thunderous response. They would shake them to the bottom.”
